Dominoduino Uni

This is an assembly kit that uses an AVR microcontroller and two matrix LEDs.

Once you solder and assemble it, the built-in program will run.

Sample programs range from a basic LED blinking to a text display, a ball that rolls depending on the tilt using an acceleration sensor, a timer, games, and more, making this a fun kit that not only allows you to do electronic work, but also teaches you programming.




Sample sketch :

How to install

   (1) In the Arduino IDE menu, select Sketch - Include Library - Include ZIP Library... and choose this option.

   (2) Install DxCore with Boards Manager

       Board :  AVR DD-series (Optiboot)

       Port :  Select the connected USB serial

       Chip :  AVR64DD28

    Others can be left at default


Circuit schematic

Pin arrangement and dimensional drawing

For inquiries, please contact the email address below. Please replace% with @.

Building Instructions

Sample sketch configuration

1. Animation

2. Heart

3. Random fade-in

4. Wave

5. Text display

6. Rain

7. Fountain

8. Tilt to roll and bounce

1 + ON: Game

2 + ON: Timer

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